About Islamic Association of Erie

The Masjid organization was originally started as a Muslim Student Association (MSA) at Gannon University. A room was provided by the university for Jumua prayers. After growing in members, organization relocated to a small room on Parade Street.
Once the organization became larger, it was moved to a new building on 12th and State Street. In 1997, organization divided into two groups. Sunni and Shia. Sunni group established the Islamic Association of Erie and moved to a new house on 2410 Holland Street.
In 2009, the current location, 2419 Holland Street building across from the old Masjid was purchased. Alhamdulillah, there are approximately 250 registered members. Imam Abdallah is serving as the volunteer Imam.
2419 Holland St
5 Salah Performed
Jumu'ah Performed
Wudu Facility Available
Onsite Parking Available
Gender Separate
The aim and purpose of the association are to serve the best interest of Muslim of the city of Erie, the surrounding townships in Erie county as well as those from tri-state area , in their religious, social and personal affairs; to purchase and maintain a Masjid as a place of prayer, and provide Islamic education and Islamic activities. The association will be operating as a non-profit, charitable public organization.